New to Healthy Blue? Here are a few steps to get you started:

Keep an eye out for your Healthy Blue ID card
You should get your Healthy Blue ID card in the mail within two weeks of your enrollment. You will need to show this ID card along with your Healthy Connections ID card each time you go to the doctor or get any other kind of health care service. Never let anyone else use your ID card. If you have not gotten your Healthy Blue ID card and it’s been more than two weeks since you enrolled, call us at 866-781-5094 (TTY: 866-773-9634).

Sign up for My Health Toolkit
My Health Toolkit is our secure member portal. Within My Health Toolkit, you can:
- View and request a new Healthy Blue ID card.
- Update your primary care provider (PCP).
- Update your mailing address.
- Send a secure email to us.
Create an account for each member of your family who has Healthy Blue.

Make sure you have the primary care provider (PCP) you want
Your PCP will be your main doctor and will approve treatment if you need it. Your current PCP is listed on your Healthy Blue ID card. If you want a different PCP, use My Health Toolkit or call us at 866-781-5094 (TTY: 866-773-9634) to let us know or have us help you choose one.

Set up your first doctors visit.
The first meeting with your new PCP is important. You should visit your PCP within 90 days of joining Healthy Blue. If you need help setting up your appointment, call us at 866-781-5094 (TTY: 866-773-9634).

Fill out your Personal Health Assessment
You will need to fill out your Personal Health Assessment (PHA). This is a short form that help us connect you with the care and doctors to fit your needs. You can fill out this form in My Health Toolkit or download the forms and send to the following address:
Healthy Blue
P.O. Box 100317
Columbia, SC 29202-3317
Fax: 803-870-6510