© 2025 BlueChoice HealthPlan. All Rights Reserved
Explore vision service options.
800-877-7195 (TTY: 800-428-4833)
Visit the website https://www.vsp.com for more information.
VSP is an independent company providing vision services on behalf of Healthy Blue.
Review available dental services.
Visit the website https://www.DentaQuest.com for more information.
DentaQuest is an independent company that provides dental services on behalf of BlueChoice HealthPlan.
Review what the medical assistance program has to offer.
888-549-0820 (TTY: 888-842-3620)
Visit https://www.scdhhs.gov/ for more information.
A free service offered to all South Carolina residents who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities a way to communicate by telephone.
800-735-2583 or 711
Visit https://relaysouthcarolina.com for more information.
Modivcare provides transportation for access to care.
Region 1: 866-910-7688
Region 2: 866-445-6860
Region 3: 866-445-9954
Please view website to verify which region the member resides in.
Visit www.modivcare.com/facilities/sc to locate the appropriate phone number for your region.
Modivcare is an independent company that provides transportation services on behalf of Healthy Blue.