Healthy Blue Blog

Health & Wellness

"Treat Yo Self" Every Day

October 12, 2020

A television show may have brought the idea of “Treat Yo Self” to the mainstream, but taking care of yourself should be on your to-do list every day. Self-care is important. It can boost your confidence and improve your health. It reminds others that you are important, as well. 

“Self-care is important because it allows you to be able to take control of your well-being, and it also gives you the ability to figure out what it takes to be the best version of yourself,” says Dorothea Lewis, BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina health coach.

Everyone is busy, but that shouldn’t be an excuse not to take care of yourself, she says. 

Self-care is anything you do to meet your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual needs. Self-care looks different for everyone. 

To get started, spend some time thinking about the things you want out of life and what makes you happy. When Lewis talks with people, she encourages them to make a vision board or sketch out a list of goals. Think about where you are now and where you want to be. What makes life important? What are you called to do? 

“It is so important to tap into what makes all of this important to us in the first place,” Lewis says. 

Think about this daily, not just on “Treat Yo Self Day,” which is Oct. 13. Make self-care a part of your positive, daily effort. 

“We have to be committed to making an effort because only you can be your best advocate,” she says. “You know yourself better than anybody else. You live in your body for  years. It's important that you listen to you — body, mind and soul.” 

Often people think they are too busy to make time for self-care. But remember what flight attendants say: “Put on your own oxygen mask before putting on a mask for others.” Taking time to care for yourself is also good behavior to model for your children and loved ones. 

“It's important for us to be able to care for ourselves so we can care for others,” Lewis says. “There’s only one you. If you aren’t here, who will take care of the people you care for?” 

During the pandemic, more people reported adverse mental health or behavioral changes, such as drinking or drug use. This makes self-care even more important. 

“There's always going to be some unexpected thing that occurs in our lives. It just so happens that in 2020, it was the pandemic,” she says. “But if we look over our life’s journey, I'm pretty sure we can recall at least one other unexpected thing that has happened.

“It's important — not only during the pandemic, but every day — for us to think about ways to address our well-being and be flexible in stressful situations to meet our own needs.”  

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it is the importance of being around people we care about. Find a support system that will help you prioritize self-care. 

“We're not in this alone. We are meant to be supportive of each other,” Lewis says. “It's important to seek out others who have the same type of mindset as you.  A positive mindset will help you move forward.” 

In addition, self-care doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some ways to practice good self-care on a daily or regular basis:


  • Eat healthy and nutritious food. If this seems too difficult, start small by eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily. 

  • Drink water. Our bodies need water to function. Skip the sugary drinks and drink plenty of water throughout the day. 

  • Get moving. You don’t have to train to run a marathon. You can start small by walking farther distances and slowly increasing the number of steps you take each day. 

  • See your doctor regularly and take medication as recommended. Taking care of your body requires you to seek the care you need medically. 


  • Meditate. Meditation doesn’t require you to sit still for hours. You can take one minute every morning or every night to refocus your breathing and stay centered. 

  • Sleep. Getting the right amount of sleep is key for overall health. Sleep improves your mind and body. 

  • Create a vision board. Map out where you are and where you want to be. Find a way to think about these goals every day and plan how you are going to achieve them each day. 

  • Stimulate your mind. This may be through reading or doing puzzles. Maybe it’s adult coloring books. Do something every day to challenge your brain. 

  • Disconnect. Turning off your phone or devices can help you reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. Turning off distractions can be a great way to care for yourself mentally. 


  • Consider the big “why.” Why is your life important? Why do you want to be the best version of yourself? 

  • Seek out positivity. Surround yourself with people who are positive and seek a positive environment. If you are in a situation that keeps you down, work to get out of that environment. 

  • Give back. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to be kind to others. Be trustworthy and dependable. 

  • Accept yourself. Be at peace with where you are. Don’t be too harsh or critical of yourself. Love yourself every day. 


A few basics to remember about self-care: 

  • Take a holistic approach: Consider your mind, body and soul.

  • Find support: Seek help from those who care about you and want you to be well. 

  • Stay positive: Getting help from people who will be positive for you is important, but you also have to believe in yourself.

  • Practice daily: Don’t just worry about your well-being in times of crisis or on a specific day. Set aside time for yourself every day. 

  • Think small: Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or lofty. It can be a few minutes of meditation in the morning or taking time to practice good hygiene. 

  • Be grateful: It can be easy to get caught up in what you don’t have or how far you think you need to go to be the best version of yourself. Taking time to appreciate the good in your life on a daily basis is also important. 

  • Find resources: Reach out to your health insurance plan to find out what resources are available to you such as an employee assistance plan or other plan benefits. There are also plenty of resources in your local community that can help. 

  • Reevaluate regularly: Our lives change all the time and so will your goals. Be sure to frequently reevaluate where you are and where you want to be.